Make todo List with Laravel part-1

Today we will know how to create a todo list in Laravel First of all We need to setup the Laravel enviroment so that we can create a to-do list, for that we will install XAMPP on our computer, install a composer, then install Laravel, we will also need a code editor, our computer is now ready to create a project in Laravel, first we will create a project, then open the project with the code editor, to create a to-do list, First we will go to resources, from there we will go to views, then we will edit the welcome.blade.php file there Then I will create the model, I will give the command to create the model along with the controller and migration and create it together. Example - php artisan make:model Todo -mc

  • Note: (When creating the model, the t of todo will always be capitalized, and -mc means migration and controller will also be created)

Then create database and connect with .env DB_DATABASE = The name of the database Then create column in migration.